A short biography of anarchist guerrilla fighter Jose Sabate Llopart - brother of the famous Sabate. Fighting in the Civil War and the Resistance, he was killed in a police ambush in 1949.

José Sabaté Llopart
Born 1910 - Barcelona, Spain, died 17 October 1949 - Spain
José Sabate Llopart was born in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat in 1910. After the crushing of the Francoist-military uprising in his neighbourhood and in Barcelona at the start of the Spanish Civil War and Revolution he went off to the Aragon front with the Young Eagles column, which was organised by anarchist Juan Garcia Oliver.
He fought in different units until the end of the war, where he was stranded in the central zone. He was taken prisoner in Alicante. He was released on bail in 1948 and crossed into France so as to fight at the side of his brother “El Quico”, and the two of them became the nightmare of the forces of repression in Catalonia. His other brother Manuel joined an action group with Ramon Capdevila.
On the 17th October 1949 the police were waiting for him at a rendezvous in calle Trafalgar. He had been betrayed. It wasn’t the first time that he had fallen into a trap, but this time there was no way out. In a rapid escape he killed a policeman, but was seriously injured and was caught.
When they were taking him to the Municipal Hospital in calle Sepulveda, Jose Sabate died. He was 39.
Edited by libcom from an article from the pamphlet The Anarchist Resistance to Franco - Biographical notes, by Antonio Tellez. £2, published by the Kate Sharpley Library.